Sunday, January 10

Minus degrees, frozen lake & hot chocolate!

ITS FREEZING OVER HERE. (I have to sit inside with two or more blankets wrapped around me!)   It's been pretty cold here for a while now, about -5 to -12 here ( and in other places down to -40!!) Sooo, we've been iceskating on the lake and it's been years since this lake has been frozen...  so this is pretty awesome!

two of my friends, and then me on the right (not looking my best, i must add!)

a cool gang

Haha you can probably see that I'm holding a thermos- i was walking around in the end because i got a bad blister on my foot. which hurt. ALOT. So i went around throwing hot chocolate into the mouths of my poor, frozen friends .... AREN'T I NICE? What would they do without me  ????


Francesca said...

Looks like fun :) I can't wait to go skating

E said...

You all look beautiful having fun in the snow! I would love to go skating!

Benedicte said...

aaah! love your blog!=)

Amalia Mas'ad said...

Wish I have snow on my coubtry while apparently I'm not! Go happy skating! Lovey!

Elen said...

ice-skating is soo fun!


fashiiondiaries said...

søte bilder ! :)

Anonymous said...

Aww your girls are too cute!! xo, Mel

Shes Dressing Up said...

It looks so cold, but lots of fun!

Fashion Cappuccino said...

You have such pretty friends! I wish we have a frozen lake to iceskate on! xoxoxo

M&E said...

lovely pics, look so sweet!

Monkey Boy said...

you and ur friends should be in a thermos commercial...

Vivian Tumasonis said...

Thanks! And thanks for visiting!

Posted today a new look, go there to check!


ingaa from sweden said...

lovely girls :-D

Anonymous said...

You guys look like models in that first's so pretty!

Ash Fox said...

Best of luck! Those Mexican chips look good!

CAMILLE said...

it does look freezing!!!

o said...

oh wow, sounds like a blast! i'm so jealous u girls skated on a frozen lake! hehe:)

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