Monday, March 16

yes, yes. new staash.
A few days ago I bought new tank tops from H&M (because i was in desperate need!). H&M has everything... go H&M! I also bought this lovely, pink Acne sweater. I love it! It has a kind of 80s look to it and it's sooo comfy. When i first put it on , i never wanna take it off.
Speaking of Acne in a few weeks, a guy I know who works at Abstinenz & Pes, is opening an Acne shop here in Stavanger. I am so the first one to put a foot inside of that shop!

Anyway, homework calls ...

acne ss 09


Hippie, hippie - milkshake said...

veldig fin genser, kult skjerf og fine bilder av deg..
Liker at genseren er stor......

amalie said...

tusentakk !
ja, store gensere er herlige.

anywheredreams said...

Så mange fine ting! Elsker bildene og den genseren er kjempefin, jeg vil også ha!<3 Og ja, hm har absolutt alt til en billig penge:D

Tusen takk for den søte kommentaren på bloggen min<3

Unknown said...

Those looks are all so great I love them!!


jessica said...

oh man, acne ♥

Anonymous said...

likte genseren kjempe godt! utrolig bra blogg, blogg oftere :)

amalie said...

anywhere i lay my head: ja, acne e digg! mhm, selvfølgelig :D
modern antoinette: i know, right? love em.
jessica: i <3 acne
ingrid: takk :) kanskje jeg skal det , hihi :)

Francesca said...

You've gotta love those comfy 'i-just-want-to-stay-in-these-forever' sweaters.

cute ;]

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