Friday, March 27

Here comes the sun, dudindudu ...

skirt-H&M, coat-Saint Tropez, scarf- H&M, flats- bianco footwear

This is what I wore at my friends birthday yesterday (we turned off lights for earth hour , did you?) .. I bought this lovely skirt and jacket on friday, roaming around town with a friend. I've been planning to buy this jacket for a long time now and now i finally came around to it. I absolutely adore it ! Now that the sun is out and it's SLOWLY turning into spring I can happyily wear my lovely jacket ..


Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

cute outfit! i love your coat :)

Ingrid said...

jepp, skrudde av lysene jeg også! elsker jakken din søta <3

Emz said...

I like the skirt and coat!

Hek said...

Om jeg hadde hatt sånne legger hadde jeg brukt skjørt hele tiden:)

Elizabeth Victoria Clark said...

lovely coat, i'm looking for the perfect trench for spring.
ps so glad you celebrated earth hour! i love other bloggers who love our planet xx

Mina said...

lovely outfit. so chic!

Unknown said...

I love this H&M skirt and this trench...very cute!!


Anonymous said...

i like you skirt :)

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