Sunday, December 13

yo, the stores are open today!
Gotta get some christmas shopping done ...
i am horribly tired but wth

[to santa: my christmas wishlist]

a macbook pro 13" - yes please (my hp windows vista is truly not having the best of days)

a new camera - either olympus pen or a nikon D3000

a trip to New York - and yes it is true, out of all the places i've visited in America not once have i ever been to new york. I NEED TO GO THERE.

+ more


Kikiiii said...

Times square! LOVE IT

Stine said...

Jeg ønsker meg så sårt en macbook pro jeg også.. sukk..

Lions, Tigers and Fashion OH MY! said...

I am hoping for a new camera this year too! I just splurged and got myself a macbook...I hope you get one they are the best ;)

Fashions By Lozano said...

I want a camera so so bad!

very nice blog.


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