Wednesday, November 4

sickness, oxfords and knee high socks

i'm sick. i don't know if its the swineflu but my throat hurts, my stomach hurts (and is making wierd sounds) and i'm dizzy ... but fortunately my head doesn't hurt anymore.
i'm usually never sick. so its kinda awkward.
anyway at least i've got enough time to surf the internet and go online shopping ... or at least looking. I've always liked oxford shoesv(flats)/brogues and for a while now i've been looking for the perfect ones... They would look really good with tight jeans and some woolen, chunky or knee high socks.

pixiemarket - love em

in a classic brown from jcrew

urban outfitters



have you seen other great oxfords? shout it at my comment box


Eva said...

I like the third pair the most. & I hear you on the sickness, I got sick for the first time in one year in the beginning of this week.


I like the jcrew the most... oxfords are such a classic must have...

jessica said...

the pixie market ones are so cute :]

jessica said...

i hope you feel better!
im sick too, might be MONO :0

Mila said...

Oh sweety I hope you`ll be better soon!!!These oxfords you posted are beautiful!

Arushi Khosla said...

I lovelovelove the first pair!

Stephanie Shorr said...

pixie market ones are my favorite

Polished Sense said...

Love the oxfords. Classic all-the-way!


Lauren Goddard said...

Topshop always do beauties!

x x x

Julia said...

That first pair is amazing!

Moomby said...

they also look great with a small ditsy print dress paired with a denim vest!

G Tauberge said...

love the oxfords! Hope you feel better =]


Anonymous said...

Go for the whiteo nes

Kamilla said...

I love the two first ones :D

Kaja said...

De va kule! Likte spesielt de første :)
Bildene på bloggen min e funne på nettet, så du har sikkert sett de ja :)

Hek said...

Sounds like svineflu doesn't it? It would be a good thing if it is, cause then you are at least finished with it;)
Get well soon!

Love the oxfords btw <3

fashion storm said...

i like the last pair

Clara Campelo said...

i want all these shoes!

hannah, heart city said...

i love oxfords. i have too many pairs. i am really liking the white lacy UO ones. i've found good ones on etsy. :)

test said...

i love oxford shoes.

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