Tuesday, September 17


You. Oh my days, the time has come. I am moving away from home to become another striving student at uni. I am not only going to be striding to do well at school, but to become an independent adult. Say what? Say adult! I don't like that word and therefore will forever consider myself a teenager. (20 next year....) However, in similarity with the number 1 never becoming 0, I, number 1, will become infinitely close to, but never a proper adult. I think this is true for everyone today. Yes even you reading this, I see the teen glowing from your eyes. Okay enough about life, this is my travel outfit for today! Wish me luck!!!!!

iPhone pictures, yay. 

Tee//Finally received my les artists tee!!

Peace&love xxxxx

Sunday, September 15


does anybody know where this playsuit is from? 


Friday, September 13


Liking my DIY rihanna tee. I basically just cut it and rolled up the sleeves. I love her tattoo! 
Oh, and next week I'm off too uni, so the day has been used to pack my stuff. and i have a lot!!! 

Loving my new jeans from Acne, 
my new hat from fwss, 
and my sunglasses from a market in bangkok. 

peace & love 


Thursday, September 12

Asian life pt. 1

Wooweee. You might have been following on instagram, or read my last post to know that i've been in Asia. Me and my two friends have been backpacking through north of thailand and laos. It's been amazing - the scenery, the smells, the tastes, the people you meet, the life you are a part of. Crazy.
Here are some pictures I took - if you haven't visited asia, do it!

Sunday, September 8

Wink baby

love this streetstyle gif from Refinery29

woop.  a lot to do before uniiiii. i always leave everything to the last minute. 

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