Monday, June 22

give me summmaaa

dude, this is all you need for a perfect summer day : The sun, music, Tom's shoes and costume.

schools out ! YES.
my summer plans : 30. June -5. July - sportscamp, 6th of July (or so) - London for a couple days to say goodbye to our friends who are moving back to America , 10th of July - i really don't have a clue yet. either asia or northern spain to learn how to surf. it looks so fun!
I've seen '17 again' (the movie) and I liked it... especially cuz Zac Efron looked suuuuperhot in that movie. *sigh*
I was also discussing with my dad about how many celebrities he's met or seen. Wow he's met a couple. Like : Angelina Jolie's dad, seen the queen of Denmark and Prince William at the squash court and seen Rowan Atkinson. yeah. next time dad: take me with you!


can't wait for jimmy choo's h&m collection !


preppygoesrock said...

omg i love your shoes.. its totally fun!!!
check out my blog

yiqin; said...

I am looking forward for that h&m collection. But there is no h&m here :(

Elizabeth Victoria Clark said...

oo those first jimmy choos look amazing! i can't wait for the collection

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

the jimmy choos will be so amazing!!

Lauren Goddard said...

I hadn't seen those Jimmy Choo photos yet so thankyou! WOO for summer.

x x x

Ash Fox said...

this is unbelievable! great blog!

ryan said...


Stephanie Kim said...

that collection will be MAJORLY successful! i cant wait!!!

Unknown said...

Your shoes! Cute! Summer.;D

Travel and Living

Rosa said...

amazing blog. exchange links?

Hek said...

Helt enig! :)
Gjett om jeg skal ha sko til høsten a....ooooooweeee! :D

jessica said...

oh baby i can't wait for the jimmychoo/h&m collabo either .

NICK said...

Wow lovely shoes~^^
you might love this

Anonymous said...

Hot outfit! Love the hotpants and of cousre your the legs ;;-)

Mr. G

Bolg it! >>

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