yaay. the calender gifts are up. Only two days til the first of december, so excited ! oh and yes , i was right about the snow. Its gone:( buhhuuu. typical stavanger ...
Sitting in my room, listening to music ( thevoicedenmark) and looking out the window at the lovely snow . YES. SNOW. I LOVE IT. I bet it will all be washed away before christmas though. Oh , well i will enjoy it while its here. its here !
Costume Awards 2008. Vote for the best designer, best actress, shoe store, underwear label and more. Win a gift voucher worth 10.000 kroner at Paleet in Oslo. GO AND VOTE NOW :)
We all agree that the sex and the city movie was a blast ! right ? it was a true story about love, friendship and fashion. Now, Kim Cattral has comfirmed that there is going to be a second Sex and the City movie.
Iwas looking through my GREAT BIG GLORIOUS BOOK FOR GIRLS and found beauty tips. I came to find they're quite useful.
"Just a slick of moisture will make your lips look pretty, even without the addition of colour. One tip to keep your lips soft is : Put a small anount of salt (or sugar, depending on your taste) into a bowl, add a teaspoon of olive oil and mix. Dip your finger into the mixture and gently rub over your lips using circular movements. This will get rid of any dry skin, and also improve the appearance of your lips by increasing blood circulation. "
You may do it your self or see other people doing it. Pumping the wascara wand in and out of the tube trying to get more mascara. DONT DO THIS. It pushes air into the tube which makes the mascara dry more quickly.
Tea and Cucumber. If you have sore, puffy or tired eyes, try one- or both - of the following - Camomile tea bags. Camomile calms and soothes. Soak a couple of camomile tea bags in cold water and then out them on your eyes for 10 - 15 min. - Cucumber patches. Slice an ice-cold cucumber straight from the fridge. Place a slide over each eye and relax to 10 -15 min. This especially good for de-puffing and brightening the whites of you eyes.
Srubs. - Mash up to strawberries with a teaspoon of soft brown sugar. Gently rub the mixture over the face concentrating on the area around the nose and chin. Rince off with cold water. - Mixone tablespoon of honey, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and two teaspoons of fine oatmeal. Gently rub over you face and wash off with warm water
Masks. - You can mash up banana or mashed avocado with a little bitof honey are moiturizing and full of goodness. Leave for 10 minutes (try not to eat the mask).
Everytime you sleep with makeup, your skin becomes 7-8 days older. SO BE CAREFUL.
Voss water , from norway, has been for a long time a celebrity hit. Now a new bottled water has come from the glacier of Hardanger. Isklar. Is this going to be a new celeb hit ? ^
She's one of the models from east-europe who is doing well within modelling. She now lives
in New York in her own house, aswell as owning a few apartments in Ukraine. She loves shopping and has her favorites: Chanel, Prada og Gucci. She wishes to study juice/law when her modelling career is over.
"My dream is to become a defenceattorney. I know it's difficult, but it is something I am really interested in, so i'm going to try my best." - Snejana Onopka
uhuuh, hust been at a celebrity party . I was dressed as madonna , with a body and thights and everything. it was awesomme =D My friend who was avril came first place , and came in tied second place with Amy Whinehouse . We each won a chocolate, mmm ..
Just saw the new james bond movie - quantum of solace . So awesome ! The actors were great , especially Ian Flemming. He does a great job as Bond. Every part of the movie contained tension and excitement. This is a MUST SEE! =D
The Europe Music Awards in Liverpool where nine celebrities got away with an awards of their own, happened the 6th of November.
Europe's favorite act = Emyre Aydin Rock Out = 30 seconds to mars Ultimate Urban = Kanye West Act of 2008 = Britney Spears New Act = Katy Perry Best Act Ever = Rick Astley Most Addictive track = P!nk "So what" Headliner = Tokio Hotel Album of the year = Britney Spears " Blackout"
I was actually shocked that the Album of the year went to "blackout" by Britney Spears, I don't like her that much. All the crazy things she has done ? Altough , It was cool that Kanye West got an award. He is soo awessome ! =D And of course , Katy Perry is cool and she deserved an award.
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