Tuesday, March 20


gah, i wish i was a better blogger...some day when school isn't a full time job.
anyway. in two weeks i'm going to spain with my family!! yay. to celebrate my 18th and stuff. should be good fun. (i get to have my first official drink in front of my parents, woo!)

totally loving this top. so cuuute. 

btw, i have a tumblr. click here. (but i warn you: a concentration of one direction gifs and pics)

Thursday, March 8

flowers in the window

been listening to this song Travis – Flowers In The Window  - soo cute. check it ouut. and making gifs. haha i especially liked this one. this is how i like to spend my days. also, dreaming about exotic vacations in paradise. agh. i want summer. no more winter or cold weather. anybody else feel the same? contact me and we can travel togethaa ;);) 

anyway, recent outfits of mine. two of my fave sweaters.

orange sweater//cos


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