two of my friends, and then me on the right (not looking my best, i must add!)
a cool gang
Haha you can probably see that I'm holding a thermos- i was walking around in the end because i got a bad blister on my foot. which hurt. ALOT. So i went around throwing hot chocolate into the mouths of my poor, frozen friends .... AREN'T I NICE? What would they do without me ????
Looks like fun :) I can't wait to go skating
You all look beautiful having fun in the snow! I would love to go skating!
aaah! love your blog!=)
Wish I have snow on my coubtry while apparently I'm not! Go happy skating! Lovey!
ice-skating is soo fun!
søte bilder ! :)
Aww your girls are too cute!! xo, Mel
It looks so cold, but lots of fun!
You have such pretty friends! I wish we have a frozen lake to iceskate on! xoxoxo
lovely pics, look so sweet!
you and ur friends should be in a thermos commercial...
Thanks! And thanks for visiting!
Posted today a new look, go there to check!
lovely girls :-D
You guys look like models in that first's so pretty!
Best of luck! Those Mexican chips look good!
it does look freezing!!!
oh wow, sounds like a blast! i'm so jealous u girls skated on a frozen lake! hehe:)
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